Jacky’s feisty Victorian heroine takes you back in time, from a foundling hospital to the circus ring. Be inspired. Love Tracy Beaker? Meet Hetty Feather – also stuck in a grotty children’s home. Abandoned as a tiny baby in 1876, Hetty has only ever known the foundling home’s tough rules and horrible food. When she’s sent to live in the country, things improve. She loves playing in the fields, and – best of all – the travelling circus. But just like Tracy Beaker, Hetty dreams of finding her real mum… Frilly but totally feisty: girls don’t come sassier than this plucky urchin of historical times. Pack of 30 copies#primary-092016 #readandrespond-0816 #rrchildrens #readandrespond-reading-collections #reading3for2 #summer-18 #sum-18 #sum-18-ie #read-and-respond-2018 #pm19-offer