The Robin Hood legend is part fact and part fiction. A yeoman turned outlaw, Robin Hood lived in Barnsdale Forest (adjoining Sherwood) early in the 14th century. His exploits were described in popular ballads of which a few have survived. Confusion was caused by later writers. By 1600, the Robin Hood of the ballads had been fused in new stories with an earlier outlaw of noble birth. Set in Nottingham England about 1320. Silver level titles (equivalent to the White bridging book band) use sentences with two or three clauses and the length of the texts extends to around 1000 words to help build reading stamina. Real-life problems are also introduced to encourage empathy. Available for Levels 15–24, PM Traditional Tales and Plays retell classic tales in a simplified language and form that children can understand. Teachers use the tales in guided reading sessions and children can later read them with confidence and understanding. Parts are colour-coded for easy recognition. #pm19-offer