Nothing ever happens in the tiny Welsh town of Manod. Dylan should know – he’s the only boy there! What’s more, his parents run the Snowdonia Oasis Auto Marvel garage, and (when he’s not trying to persuade his sisters to play football) Dylan is in charge of the petrol log. That means he gets to keep track of everyone coming in and out of Manod. But when a mysterious convoy of lorries trundles up the misty mountainside one day, Dylan is baffled. Who are these people? What are they up to? Inspired by the true story of how artistic treasures from London’s National Gallery were hidden in a Welsh slate mine during World War Two, this heartwarming story shows how the beauty of art touches the life of one boy and his family. Supplied as a pack of six copies. #reading-spine-year-8 #reading-spine-ks3 #rbmember #summer-18 #sum-18