Perrault’s tale is the best-known of all the Cinderella-type stories and was published in 1697. Iona and Peter Opie (‘The Classic Fairytales’ Oxford University Press, 1974) describe hundreds of tellings in many languages, with the same basic premise – a girl’s only choice of moving from rags to riches was by making a fortunate marriage. ‘Cinderella’ epitomises this romantic dream. Set in any small European princedom, circa 19th century. Gold level titles introduce children to more complex sentences with an average length of 10 words and help to develop reading strategies such as breaking long words down into syllables. Available for Levels 15-24, PM Traditional Tales and Plays retell classic tales in a simplified language and form that children can understand. Teachers use the tales in guided reading sessions and children can later read them with confidence and understanding. Parts are colour-coded for easy recognition. #pm19-offer