Prepare for success in the National Tests! Now with a handy teacher guide, our acclaimed, tried-and-trusted practice papers are the perfect way to get children ready for SATs. They’re designed to look EXACTLY like the real thing: 100% in line with the actual test format. A great way to boost confidence, target weak areas, and track each pupil’s progress. All fully in line with curriculum objectives, and including clear guidance notes and mark schemes. Practice makes perfect! Pack of 30 identical practice papers, with online teacher guidance and mark schemesThe most authentic test papers available, exactly matched to the statutory test formatA great way to build pupils’ confidence and assess each child’s progress over timeHelps to identify and target learning areas that need more revision or practiceLove the format? Want more tests? Look out for our other packs of practice tests to try. Test A is suggested for the autumn term, B for spring and C for summer – but all can be used at any time, in the classroom or at home. #summer-18 #sum-18 #sum-18-ie #assessment-nov18 #pm19-offer